
"Burn, Witch, Burn!"

by Anton Eine

Inquisition and witch hunt, a horrible conspiracy revealed
A historical sci-fi story
# Witches
# Sci-Fi
# Historical Fiction
# Time Travel

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Father Giancarlo Durante has spent seven years rooting out heresy in Castile and Aragon. Now, after the conquest of Granada, the Grand Inquisitor has entrusted him with the troubles of that harsh district, where so many Moors, with their despicable, unholy beliefs lived in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. There were Jews there, too, hiding from the world, carrying out in secret their mysterious heretic rituals. And there was no lack of witches, either. In fact, it was to sit in judgment over an old witch that the Inquisitor had come to this out-of-the-way mountain hamlet. And now, after two days of interrogation, torture and the long search for the truth, Father Durante was ready to see justice done. To commit the body of the sorceress to the purifying flames, to grant her the death she so richly deserved. All that remained was for the torch to be raised, for God's will to be done. But that final moment was suddenly strangely difficult...