
"My New Superjob (Maze City Stories, Book 1)"

by Anton Eine

An interview for the position of a superhero? What can go wrong?
A superhero short story
# Superhero
# Sci-Fi

Available in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? The city's defender against crime, violence, and all sorts of sicko nastiness? When one day she stumbled upon a strange help wanted ad claiming that the city was looking for a superhero, Samantha Washington, a former Ranger commander, was sure it was a joke. She sent in a resume anyway. Will the ad turn out to be somebody's dumb idea of a prank, a practical stunt, a cunning maniac's clever trap, or... a real opportunity leading to a difficult and dangerous future occupation? Now that she has allowed herself be drawn inextricably into a whole chain of strange events, Samantha will have to figure it all out on her own. And she’ll have to do it face to face with her own deepest fears.